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The Ravas RedBox has a parameter system that can be read. The parameters are divided into different parameter pages.


The Basic Ravas RedBox has the following configured parameter-pages:


Not all pageID's are available in every Ravas RedBox. For example, the WiFi/BLE page is only accessible if the system is equipped with a WiFi/BLE module.

PageID Description
SYSTEM Information about the Ravas RedBox
WiFi WiFi connection parameter settings
BLE BLE parameter settings
SCALE x Scale x settings
LOCAL RedBox Local Ravas RedBox settings
LOADCELL X Loadcell X information/settings

The pages with an 'X' in the name have multiple pages available with the same setup. For example, 'LOADCELL A' has the same setup as 'LOADCELL B' but only if the system consists of multiple loadcells.

Getting parameters

The following code example can be used to request parameter information.


bool protocol_send_param_request(PageID p_id, uint32_t parameter_id)
    Request request                             = {};
    request.type                                = Request_Type_GET_PARAMETER;
    request.which_payload                       = Request_get_parameter_tag;
    request.payload.get_parameter.page_id       = p_id;
    request.payload.get_parameter.parameter_id  = parameter_id;

    return send_request(&request);

Setting parameters

Set boolean parameter


bool protocol_send_set_param_bool(PageID p_id, uint32_t parameter_id, bool val)
    Request request                                         = {};
    request.type                                            = Request_Type_SET_PARAMETER;
    request.which_payload                                   = Request_set_parameter_tag;
    request.payload.set_parameter.page_id                   = p_id;
    request.payload.set_parameter.parameter_id              = parameter_id;
    request.payload.set_parameter.has_new_value             = true;
    request.payload.set_parameter.new_value.which_value     = ParameterValue_Bool_tag;
    request.payload.set_parameter.new_value.value.Uint32    = val;

    return send_request(&request);

Set uint32 parameter


bool protocol_send_set_param_uint32(PageID p_id, uint32_t parameter_id, uint32_t val)
    Request request                                         = {};
    request.type                                            = Request_Type_SET_PARAMETER;
    request.which_payload                                   = Request_set_parameter_tag;
    request.payload.set_parameter.page_id                   = p_id;
    request.payload.set_parameter.parameter_id              = parameter_id;
    request.payload.set_parameter.has_new_value             = true;
    request.payload.set_parameter.new_value.which_value     = ParameterValue_Uint32_tag;
    request.payload.set_parameter.new_value.value.Uint32    = val;

    return send_request(&request);

Set float32 parameter


bool protocol_send_set_param_float(PageID p_id, uint32_t parameter_id, float val)
    Request request                                         = {};
    request.type                                            = Request_Type_SET_PARAMETER;
    request.which_payload                                   = Request_set_parameter_tag;
    request.payload.set_parameter.page_id                   = p_id;
    request.payload.set_parameter.parameter_id              = parameter_id;
    request.payload.set_parameter.has_new_value             = true;
    request.payload.set_parameter.new_value.which_value     = ParameterValue_Float32_tag;
    request.payload.set_parameter.new_value.value.Float32   = val;

    return send_request(&request);