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This document aims to give a detailed run-down of key features and usage scenarios provided by the 2024 RAVAS Indicator app.

Device compatibility

The app is compatible with any android device running at least Android 10 (API level 29, Android Q) or newer

Cummulative distribution (May 1 2024, source). Greyed-out versions (API < 29) are unsupported

Platform Version API Distribution
Android 4.4 (KitKat) 19


Android 5 (Lollipop) 21


Android 5.1 (Lollipop) 22


Android 6 (Marshmallow) 23


Android 7 (Nougat) 24


Android 7.1 (Nougat) 25


Android 8 (Oreo) 26


Android 8.1 (Oreo) 27


Android 9 (Pie) 28


Android 10 (Q) 29


Android 11 (R) 30


Android 12 (S) 31


Android 13 (T) 33


Android 14 (U) 34


Supported scales

The app has been tested to work with the following RAVS scale models:

Model Connection Protocol Notes
RAVAS RedBox Bluetooth Low-Energy RedBox Supports WiFi configuration
RAVAS 3200 Bluetooth Low-Energy ASCII
RAVAS 5200 Bluetooth Low-Energy ASCII
RAVAS 2100 Bluetooth Classic ASCII Has to be paired

Key features overview

Feature Notes Section
Language switching Support for Dutch, English, and Romanian langauges in Settings
Connect to RAVAS Bluetooth scales Support for connection through Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) and Bluetooth Classic Section
Use the app in landscape and portrait modes Weight screen has special support for this Section
Weight only mode Hide controls to display largest weight number possible Section
QR/Barcode (and other formats) weight mode SHow weight as QR/Barcode instead of number Section
Device logs export Section
Set scale zero, auto and manual tare Section
Weight ongoing summation Section
Save weights Persisted on device Section
RDC integration - automatic weight upload RDC - RAVAS Data Collection server Section
Custom fields for saved weights For RDC-uploaded weights Section
Zebra network printer integration Section
Configure custom Zebra printing labels Support for defining labels for weights in singular or tabular format with aggregations Section
License management Device-bound or Enterprise licenses Section
Light/Dark mode Includes Material You (Android 12+) dynamic color scheme in Settings
Backup & restore settings to file Section
Share & retrieve settings from local network Section
Wifi Configuration for RedBox devices Can also perform firmware updates Section
Manager mode for settings visibility Section

Base features

There are 5 main screens accessible at all times through the sidebar:

  • Home
  • Bluetooth
  • Weight
  • Saved Weights
  • Settings

Navigating is as simple as clicking on the desired page in the sidebar

Home screen Sidebar
image-1 image-2
Most screens have a hamburger icon button in the top-left side of the screen. In order to open the sidebar menu you may either tap this button or swipe left to right anywhere on most screens.

Connect to a RAVAS Bluetooth device

The app connects to RAVAS devices through BLE (Bluetooth Low-Energy). In order to connect a new scale, you must first navigate to the Bluetooth screen by:

  • Click on the Bluetooth button in the Home screen
  • Click on the Bluetooth button in the sidebar
  • Expand the bottom sheet when no device is connected and click on the Bluetooth button


Afterwards, if this is the first time accessing this screen, you must grant access to the Bluetooth permission and, optionally, to the notification permission in order to proceed.

Connect permission Notification permission Bluetooth disabled
image-3 image-4 image-5
  • (Required) Until the Connect permission is granted, you will not be able to connect to any RAVAS device. The actual permissions requested may very depending on your android version. The above image applies for Android 14.
  • (Optional, Highly recommended) Granting this permission allows the app to create a sticky notification that appears only when a RAVAS device is connected. It provides quick access to get back into the app and/or disconnect the device. Note that this permission is only requested once for now.
  • Bluetooth must be enabled to proceed. if disabled, you may click the Turn on Bluetooth button to trigger a system dialog, or enable Bluetooth in the notification tray. The app monitors the Bluetooth adapter state and will disconnect if disabled.


Upon accessing the Bluetooth screen, a BLE scan will be automatically started.

  • Each scan lasts 10 seconds.
  • Scanning in process is indicated by the loading spinner in the top-right side of the screen.
  • When not scanning, you may start the scan again by clicking the Scan text button in the top-right side of the screen.
  • If you navigate outside the Bluetooth screen and back, a scan will only be automatically started if the Bluetooth screen has not been visited in the last 5+ seconds. Closing the device's screen (e.g. using the power button) or switching the current app also counts as leaving the Bluetooth screen.

When a device is found, it will appear under Scan results.

  • Each entry shows the device's name along with how long ago it was last seen
  • Last seen is simply the time span since the last scan found the respective device.
  • If the device has not been seen in 1 hour, the time label will show a long time ago.
  • The app remembers all scanned devices.
  • The order of the devices will not change until the next automatic scan (i.e. leaving this screen for more than 5 seconds).
  • New devices will always be placed at the end of the list
  • Old devices that have not been scanned since accessing the Bluetooth Screen will be greyed out.
  • Devices are initially sorted by the time they were last seen, with the most recent at the top.
  • Devices are considered unique by their Bluetooth address.
Scan list Remove an old device
image-6 image-7
In this example, the device RAVAS RB 175718 is greyed out because it was not found in the last scans since freshly accessing the Bluetooth screen, but it was scanned at some point in the past (in this case 1 minute ago) Devices are remembered forever, you may clear the list of old devices by swiping right to left on a greyed-out device.

Establishing a connection

In order to connect to a RAVAS device, simply click on the desired scanned device in the list.

Connecting to a device Connection notification
image-8 image-9
Upon initiating connection, the bottom sheet will expand to show the current connection status. Swiping this notification away (Possible on Android 14) or clicking Disconnect will disconnect the current device. Clicking on the notification will place the app in the foreground.

Each connection goes through the following steps:

  1. (If not already scanned) Scan for device
  2. Establish Bluetooth LE connection
  3. Configure device (Retrieve required parameters, set services, etc.)

Once connected, you will be directed to the Weight screen

If connection fails for some reason, you may use the bottom sheet's Retry button to try again. Otherwise you must select another device. If the connection succeeds after a retry, you will not be directed to the Weight screen automatically.

Connecting from the home screen

The app remembers all previously scanned and connected devices. Once you have connected to a device it will also appear in the Home screen under Recent devices:

  • the (up to) 3 last connected devices are shown, with the most recently connected on top
  • similar to viewing scans, the time shown indicates how long ago the device was last seen/scanned

To connect through the Home screen, simply click on the desired device. The only difference to connecting through the Bluetooth screen is that here the device is necessarily confirmed to be scanned. As such an extra step: Scanning takes place before the actual connection.

Home screen Extra step: Scanning
image-10 image-11

Weight viewing

Once connected to a RAVAS Bluetooth device, navigate to the Weight screen by:

  • Click on the Weight button in the Home screen.
  • Click on the Weight button in the sidebar.
  • Expand the bottom sheet when a device is connected and click on the Weight button.

While on this screen, the app requests weight & status updates from the scale. In order to save on battery and optimize performance, the app will stop receiving weight updates from the scale when:

  • You leave the Weight screen for more than 5 seconds.
  • The app is in the background / Device screen is closed for more than 5 seconds.

Note that while weights are updated when you actually view this screen, the Bluetooth connection is maintained throughout the app's lifetime until you disconnect manually / connection is lost / app is closed.

Weight available Weight unstable Weight error
image-12 image-13 image-14
  • The app displays the weight as received from the device, in the device's unit of measurement (kg/lb), with its specific number of significant digits (decimals after the separator)
  • Weight controls are only available when the reported weight is stable.
  • During weighing errors an icon and error message will be displayed in place of the weight.

Note that some errors on some devices (3200, 5200) are not reported to the app due to protocol limitations, it is possible for the message to only be shown on the indicator

Weight controls

When on the Weight screen with a connected RAVAS device, the following common device controls are available:

  • Zero Scale: instruct the scale to zero itself
  • Save weight: save weight locally with a scale alibi number (if available, otherwise 0)
  • Auto tare: set the current weight as tare value
  • Manual tare: set a tare value in device units (kg/lb)

Only one control action may take place at a time. While in progress, the control buttons become disabled.

  • The result of some actions (Zero scale, Save weight) is shown with a Snackbar message at the top of the screen.
  • While other actions Auto/Manual tare only show a Snackbar when an error has occurred.
Successfully setting a zero Failure to auto tare Setting manual tare
image-15 image-16 image-17
  • Setting automatic tare while weight is null or negative is not allowed
  • When setting a manual weight tare, input commas are automatically converted into dots

Save weight action

Saving weights can trigger other processes based on settings & license modules:

  • (If RDC enabled) Will schedule the weight to be uploaded to the set RDC settings
  • (If Printing enabled) Will begin the weight printing process, based on Print settings
  • (If Totalization enabled) Will add the weight to current total & include the total in the saved weight.

The weight is saved regardless of whether any of its launched processes succeed or not. Saving failures mostly occur only when the scale reports some error when the app attempts to acquire an alibi number for the weight.

Landscape mode

Switching your Android device to landscape mode (e.g. by turning it horizontally) will not break the app's functioning. The weight screen specifically is intended to be viewed in both portrait and landscape modes.


While other parts of the app are also usable in Landscape mode, it is recommended to use the rest of the app in Portrait mode for the best experience.

Weight only mode

While in the Weight screen, you may hide the controls by either accessing the three dots menu in the top-right side of the screen and switching Hide controls On/Off or by swiping on the weight to push the controls away:

  • swipe down (top to bottom) when in portrait mode
  • swipe right (left to right) when in landscape mode
Hiding controls in landscape mode Portrait mode hidden controls
swiping right (left to right) to hide, then swipe left (right to left) to show Toggling Hide controls has the same effect

By enabling Weight only display in Settings, The Weight screen will hide the controls by default instead of showing them. This only affects the initial state when accessing the Weight screen.

Export device logs

When on the Weight screen with a connected RAVAS device, it is possible to export the device's logs to a .csv file. The button is located in the three dots menu in the top-right side of the screen.

Button location Logs exported dialog CSV file sharing
image-19 image-20 image-21

Once the export is complete, the file may be shared using the system dialog

While the export process may be cancelled on the app, requesting another export will only work if the previous one has completed on the device itself, this behaviour may vary by device: some do not support cancellation.

Manage saved weights

Note that the saved weights screen changes significantly when a license is present and RDC is enabled

After having saved some weights in the Weight screen, they can be viewed in the Saved weights screen. This screen features a table showing relevant fields of all saved weights, with the option to delete fields. It also allows to export saved weights in .csv format

Delete individual field Bulk delete Export
image-22 image-23 image-24
  • Any individual weight may be deleted selectively
  • Deleting in bulk is done by filtering on the age of the saved weight
  • Clicking Export as csv will prompt a file share dialog containing the saved weights table in .csv format.

Weight totalization

The app supports saving weights with cumulative weight and piece counting. Firstly the option Weight totalization must be enabled in Settings.

When enabled, the following changes appear in the Weight screen:

Weight screen Saving accumulates net weight
image-25 image-26
  • The Save weight icon is now changed to reflect that totalization has been enabled
  • Whenever saving weights, the current Net weight (gross weight minus tare) is accumulated, with the number of weights and current sum shown

  • The current accumulation may be cleared by clicking the Clear button that only appears when there is an active totalization.

  • Leaving the Weight screen or Disconnecting the current device will not reset the current totalization.
  • The only way to reset totalization is to either click Clear in the Weight screen or disable Weight totalization in Settings

Totalization is enabled regardless of its setting if a license is present, printer integration is enabled, and printing mode is set to When clearing batched weights

Backup settings

A backup represents the state of system settings at some point in time. This includes the entire system state except for:

  • Saved weights
  • Saved backups
  • Previously scanned RAVAS devices
  • Current License & device identifier

It does include previously found printers and saved custom print labels though. Other settings not mentioned will also be included.

A backup may be created manually or automatically. All available backups can be viewed in the Settings Backups screen by navigating to the Settings screen > clicking Backups > clicking Backups again in the management screen.

Setting location Location in management Setting Backups screen
image-27 image-28 image-29

Managing backups

In the Settings Backups screen, you may manually create new backups. Upon clicking Create backup, a new backup file will be created with the naming scheme settings-<year>-<month>-<day>.bak.bin.

  • Backup files are stored on the device's persistent storage.
  • These files are inaccessible outside the app.
  • If you delete app data in android settings or reinstall the app all backups will be lost.
  • If you create multiple backups in the same day, a number discriminant will be added to the end of the file name.

A backup may be restored by clicking on the corresponding backup's button and confirming the dialog. Right before actually performing the restore, the app will first create a new backup of the current settings with the naming scheme settings-restore-<year>-<month>-<day>.bak.bin, and only after will apply the selected backup.

If you restore a backup whose name starts with settings-restore, a restore point will not be created and the backup will be applied immediately upon confirmation.

As with other parts of the app, you may delete a specific backup by swiping left (right-to-left) on its button.

Restore confirmation dialog Created restore point Deleting a backup
image-30 image-31 image-32

You may also delete backups in bulk, with filtering by file age. This is intended to provide easy access to get rid of old, numerous backups.

A backup file may be shared using the android file share system dialog by clicking the share icon button next to the corresponding backup.

Bulk deletion Share button File system dialog
image-33 image-34 image-35

Importing a .bak.bin file

A backup .bak.bin file that has been previously exported using the share icon button can be imported and restored using the share icon button.

  • In the Settings Backups screen click the File import button which will open a system file picker dialog.
  • Select the desired .bak.bin file.
  • If successful, the app will navigate to back to the Settings screen, the imported settings are now applied.
  • If the restore failed, the app will remain on the same screen (Settings Backups), nothing will have changed.

Sharing over the local network

Backups may also be shared or received over the local network. For simplicity, it is recommended for one android device to create a Wi-Fi access point having other devices connect to it (it does not matter who is the "host"). A Wi-Fi router's private network can also be used, however some routers block clients from interacting with each-other which will not allow this feature to work.

Each android device on the network can assume one of two roles:

  • Settings provider: click Send in the Manage Settings screen
  • Settings receiver: click Receive in the Mange Settings screen

To arrive at the Manage Settings screen, first navigate to Settings then click Backups

Each device may choose whether or not to broadcast themselves on the local network. When Broadcast is switched on:

  • The device will await a network address
  • The device registers itself on the network as either provider or requester
  • The device receives a unique name of either Settings provider or Settings requester
  • In case of multiple broadcasting requester/providers, some devices will have a number discriminator appended to their name.

For convenience, if selecting to Send settings (i.e. becoming a Settings provider), the Broadcast option will be switched on by default, as broadcasting for providers only allows others to PULL the current settings configuration. Meanwhile a requester is broadcasting, it allows others to PUSH their configuration to the requester, which will accept it without question.

Default settings provider Non-broadcasting provider Default settings receiver
image-36 image-37 image-38

When multiple devices are connected to the same network, and at least one is broadcasting, sharing settings becomes possible.

The expected common scenario is to have a single broadcasting provider with any number of requesters on the network.

Performing a PULL as a requester

Clicking on a found provider will PULL their current configuration:

  • the requester is shown a process dialog
  • the provider will create a new backup
  • the backup is sent over the network
  • the requester creates and saves a restore point for himself
  • the requester applies the received backup
  • the requester sees a status dialog with the result
Requester perspective Process dialog Success dialog
image-39 image-40 image-41

the provider's screen sees no changes during the PULL process

Performing a PUSH as a provider

For this to happen, a requested has to have enabled Broadcast in the top-right corner of their screen.

Clicking on a found requester will PUSH the current device's configuration to the target:

  • the provider is shown a process dialog
  • the provider creates a new backup
  • the requester receives the request, is now shown a process dialog, and automatically confirms the request
  • the backup is sent over the network
  • the requester creates and saves a restore point for himself
  • the requester applies the received backup
  • the requester reports successful restore to the provider
  • the provider goes back to initial state
  • the requester sees a status dialog with the result
Provider perspective Process dialog Requester success dialog
image-42 image-43 image-44

Notes on sharing over the network

  • Once a broadcasting requester receives a backup, he will stop broadcasting until Receive again is clicked as long as the Broadcast toggle is still enabled.
  • It is not recommended to switch networks while broadcasting as either provider/requester, however the app should handle network switches and will update the received network address as the network changes.
  • On some networks it is possible for the awaiting destination stage to take extended periods of time. The cause is thought to be some resolution timeout, and the solution so far is to either wait it out or switch networks.
  • Restore points caused by network shares are named download-restore-<year>-<month>-<day>.bak.bin. Unlike normal restore points, when restoring these download-restore backups a normal restore point will be automatically created beforehand.

Manager mode

During operation, app settings may be hidden/protected against change by using the manager mode. Once a setting is hidden, the only way to change its value is to first access manager mode, afterwards it becomes visible again. When in manager mode, the top navigation bar of the Settings screen acquires a border, a Manager mode label, and a Logout button that can be used to exit the mode.

By default, no PIN is set and the user can enter manager mode using the Manager settings button in Settings. It is situated all the way down below the other settings.

Hiding settings

Once in manager mode, the option Toggle visibility becomes available.

Setting location Default manager mode (nothing hidden) Visibility screen
image-45 image-46 image-47

The visibility of any and all settings may be toggled (including features requiring a license) except for the manager specific: Logout, Toggle visibility, Manager PIN code, and Manager settings.

In order to hide a setting, click on the corresponding button in the Settings Visibility screen. Its current status is shown by the eye icon to the right:

  • normal eye: visible always
  • crossed eye: visible only in manager mode

Hidden settings simply no longer show up in the Settings screen, unless manager mode is active.

Each manager mode "Session" will last for 1 hour after you login (i.e. automatic logout). It is recommended to click Logout as soon as you are done toggling visibility of settings/changing hidden settings.

Manager PIN code

Manager mode access may be protected using a PIN code. Once in manager mode, you may set a PIN using the Manager PIN code setting. For simplicity, it is a numbers-only code allowing any number of digits. It is not intended to be secure.

  • Note that upon confirming the a PIN you will be logged out of the manager mode, and will now have to enter the set pin next time you wish to enter manager mode
  • If you confirm a new PIN without any value entered, the setting will revert to the default No PIN has been set, allowing free access to manager mode.
Setting location Entering a new PIN Required login after PIN is set
image-48 image-49 image-50

Note that if you forget the PIN code there is currently no mechanism of recovering it! Available solutions are to either restore a previous backup provided the Backups setting was not hidden or to clear the app's data from android settings or reinstall the app.

RedBox WiFi Configuration

When connected to a RAVAS RedBox device, an additional settings menu is accessible through the bottom sheet that indicates connection icon - Gear icon on the bottom-right side of the expanded sheet.

When the screen is accessed, the app has to first retrieve all relevant parameters from the device.

Some RedBox devices do not support WiFi connectivity, in that case this screen will be unavailable. The page will continuously retry fetching parameters. When this happens, click Go back to return to the Weight screen.

On the WiFi configuration screen, the current WiFi status can be viewed

  • Connected:
  • Network SSID
  • IP Address of the RedBox
  • MAC Address of the network
  • RSSI (Signal strength)
  • Disconnected:
  • Last available details of the known network

The device will only save information on the last known network when it successfully connects to that network.

If Disconnected, a Connect button will be displayed, allowing the user to connect to the last known WiFi network, without the need to re-enter its details.

When Connected, the option to Disable/Enable the device's Access Point inside the known network collapsible becomes available.

  • When the AP is disabled, the device is in Station mode, retrying to connect to its last known network until stopped.
  • When the AP is enalbed, the device is in APSTA mode, trying to connect to its last known network only once, providing a WiFi access point at the same time.

Connecting a WiFi network

The RedBox device may be connected to a new WiFi network in 2 ways:

  • Through selecting a scan result
  • The networks must first be scanned by the device using the Scan button
  • Select the desired network from the list of scanned networks (Scan results tab)
  • Enter the password for the network (if required) and click connect

The scanned networks list is persisted on the device until the next restart

  • Manually through SSID and password
  • Select the Manual connection tab
  • Enter the SSID and password for the network and click Connect
  • Manually through a network QR code
  • Select the Manual connection tab
  • Click the QR code Scan button
  • Scan a valid QR code with the device camera, the details will be forwarded to the device

Note that while Scanning for networks or Connecting to a network, the device will usually disconnect from Bluetooth while performing the operation. The app should automatically reconnect to the device after the operation is completed

Gear icon WiFi Configration menu Manual connection menu
image-51 image-52 image-53

License management

Under the Settings screen, the current RAVAS license can by managed using the License setting.

License setting License dialog License Device identifier
image-54 image-55 image-56
  • Initially, no license will be present. App features requiring a license are inactive & hidden
  • Upon clicking the setting, a dialog appears where the license can be viewed/entered/deleted
  • Each device has an unique identifier that may be required to further validate an entered license

Obtaining a license

The process of obtaining a license starts with an active app installation on a new device:

  • Navigate to the Settings screen.
  • Locate the Your device identifier setting and click it so the ID is copied to the clipboard, or note down the identifier value.
  • The customer makes a license creation request which includes the device identifier to RAVAS.
  • RAVAS creates a license code which encodes the identifier, license type*, start & end dates.
  • The code is sent back to the customer, who is to store it safely: in either textual or QR/Barcode formats.

*Note that for Enterprise licenses, the device identifier is irrelevant, as Enterprise licenses are meant to be reused across multiple devices.

Entering a license - no license present

When in possession of a license code, it may be entered in the License dialog in one of two ways:

  • Input via keyboard/clipboard
  • Input via QR/Barcode scan Once entered, click Apply to attempt activation.
  • The activation process validates the license integrity, device identifier (UUID) if necessary, start & end dates (license cannot start in the future, cannot end in the past)
  • The activation process may be performed offline. At no point does the app attempt a connection over the internet.
Successful activation Failed activation License dialog with active license
image-57 image-58 image-59
here the license has been tampered with. reactivation may now be performed.

An active license may be deleted at any point. Note that when a license is lost either due to deletion or expiration all features that require a license will cease to function immediately and associated settings will be reset!

The same license may be activated an unlimited amount of times on the same device, so long as it remains valid.

Note that when the device performs a factory reset and installs the app again, the device identifier may change and a new license may be required. The identifier will remain the same across updates/re-installs of the app so these are safe to perform without risk of losing the current license.

License expiration & reactivation

When a license is nearing its end-date, a reactivation will soon be needed otherwise the app will go back into "no-license" mode once the end (expiration) date passes, meaning:

  • features requiring a license will become unavailable.
  • settings specific to features requiring a license will be reset. (even if reactivation occurs, old settings of the previous license are lost provided the app was ever in a "no-license" state)

In order to avoid losing settings & disruptions in functionality, a reactivation may be performed while a license is still active.

Reactivation scenarios
Normally, on a fresh install (no license), you cannot activate a license that starts in the future
However, if an existing license is present, a new license that starts in the future may be activated as long as the time until the start date is smaller or approximately equal to the time until expiration of the current license
There exists a small buffer window (\~2 days) after the expiration of the current license in which the new license can still be activated "early". In this case it would mean at most 1 day early after the license expired
If the time between the expiration of the current license and the start of the next is too long (>2 days), early activation is not possible

The expected process is that the customer purchases a license for a certain amount of time (i.e. 1 year), and when the license period comes close to an end, a new (i.e. 1 year) license that starts when the previous one ends is acquired. Then within the app the new license is activated before the previous one gets to expire and cause a settings reset.

When a license is close (within 2 weeks) to the end (expiration) date, a warning mark will be shown on the Home and Settings screens to act as reminders that unless reactivation occurs the license activation state of the app will be lost.

Home screen warning Settings screen warning License dialog warning
image-64 image-65 image-66

Features requiring an active license

The following set of features and associated settings are only available when the app has a valid active license.

QR weight mode

The app allows the weight to be viewed as a QR/Barcode instead of a plain number. While the default barcode type is QR, it may be changed to a different format in Settings.

To view the weight as a barcode, toggle the QR View option in the Weight screen. The resulting image encodes the text below in the chosen barcode format. It attempts to occupy as much screen space as possible while maintaining a height

Barcode type setting QR View option Horizontal CODE_128 barcode
image-67 image-68 image-69

You may toggle the Barcode weight setting in Settings so that the weight is displayed as barcode by default when navigating to the Weight screen

RDC (RAVAS Data Collector) integration

The app's integration with RDC involves uploading saved weights to some RDC software instance on the private network the device is connected to.

For the integration to work, the server's address must be configured.

RDC also allows for an User ID to be sent along with the weighing information. This field may also be configured under RDC Settings - it is a simple text field with constant value whose information is used for organization purposes.

RDC Settings Configuring the server's address
image-70 image-71
  • a valid full url address must be provided, without the path. It may or may not end in a forward slash.

The app will append the path /rest/scale/weight to the provided url when uploading weights

Weight saving behavior changes

Now, when a weight is saved on the Weight screen, the app will attempt to upload it to the configured RDC software server.

  • If no Address is set or the upload fails for some other connectivity reason, it will be postponed for later (to be retried automatically after 5 minutes).
  • If the RDC server rejects the weight upload, it will no longer be automatically retried.
  • If the upload is successful, it will also not be re-sent.
  • Saved weights are never deleted automatically, even after upload.

Saved Weights screen changes

As now saved weights will be uploaded to RDC, each weight record has more associated information, specifically the new columns are:

  • State: upload state. One of: Pending, Sending, Failed, Rejected, Confirmed. More info below.
  • Updated at: date & time at which the weight state has last been changed
  • Fields: custom fields and their values at the time the weight was saved (related section)
  • Error: in case the upload failed or was rejected, contains the reason message of the failure.

Weights that were saved before RDC was enabled are still present, though they hold no values in the new fields and cannot be uploaded to RDC.

When deleting saved weights in bulk, a new filter option With status appears in the deletion dialog. This allows to fine-tune which records to delete.

Weights that were saved before RDC was enabled will ignore this filter option, they essentially are in all states at once and will be deleted based only on the timeline selected.

State field Explanation of states Bulk deletion filter
image-72 image-73 image-74
uploads may be retried manually using the Retry button. You may also retry all failed uploads by clicking the refresh icon button in the top right side. this information dialog is available by clicking the info icon button in the top right side of the screen Usually it is expected that the user would delete the confirmed fields, as they have been successfully uploaded to RDC and are now redundant.

Custom fields

RDC allows for up to 4 arbitrary custom fields & values to be associated with each weight. The app allows you to define an unlimited number of custom fields.

When defining more than 4 fields, only the first 4 will be sent to RDC, the extra fields still remain and can be viewed in the saved weights screen.

Defining a custom field

Under the Settings screen's RDC setting:

  • click on Weight custom fields to navigate to the page where all fields are listed.
  • initially there will be none.
  • A new field may now be created by clicking Add field
Custom fields setting Custom fields screen Field creation form
image-75 image-76 image-77
  • The field's name must be non-empty
  • The field's name must be unique among all fields.
  • If a field is marked as Required then in the Weight screen saving a weight will be unavailable until all required fields contain a non-empty value.

There are 2 types of custom fields:

  • Text Field: provides free-form text input through either
  • the device's input keyboard or
  • through scanning a QR/Barcode with the device's camera.
  • a character limit may be set so the input's value cannot not exceed a given number of characters. (Must be a whole number between 0 - 2147483647 (2^32 / 2 - 1). Realistically anything past 100 characters is unlikely.
  • Selection: provides selection between predefined textual values.
  • each option has an associated unique (per field) integer key.
  • keys are only used for sorting the options in the selection menu.
  • each option must have a non-empty name
  • the number of options is unlimited
  • selection options may be imported via a csv file.
    • it is expected for the file to contain a 1-column table
    • each row is inserted as a new option
Selection input options Option key change dialog
image-78 image-79
the key's value may be changed by clicking on the Key next to the corresponding option if you attempt to put a key value that is taken by another option, the change will not be made.

Managing existing custom fields

  • The order in which the fields appear in the Weight screen may be changed in the custom fields screen by clicking and dragging a field by its handle on the right-hand side.

  • By clicking on a field in this screen you will be directed to the field editing form, which is identical to the creation form except that when clicking Save it will overwrite the selected field instead of creating a new one.

  • Deleting a field is possible by either clicking the trash icon in the top right side of the field editing screen or by swiping left (right-to-left) on a field in the custom fields screen. Both methods require confirmation.

Reordering a field Deleting a field Delete confirmation
image-80 image-81 image-82

Changes to Weight screen

Once one or more custom fields have been defined. They will appear as inputs in the Weight screen.

Custom fields text input Selection input Entering a text value
image-83 image-84 image-85
Since this field is required and has no value, it is marked and the Save weight button is unavailable Selection inputs have their first option selected by default All required fields (1) contain non-empty values, Save weight is available
  • Switching between fields can be done either by clicking on the desired field's name above the current input.
  • The tabs may be scrolled horizontally when there are too many fields to fit on the screen.
  • The left and right chevron icon buttons can be used to sequentially switch to the next/previous field.

Leaving the Weight screen resets the values inside the inputs

Zebra printer integration

The app's integration with Zebra printers involves primarily sending a print job to a Zebra printer on the same network as the android device with weight information when saving a weight in the Weight screen. The information on the print label is dynamic and can be configured using Labels, more information below.

This feature is disabled by default, enable it in the Settings screen by toggling the Printer integration setting.

Enabling it uncovers the settings Printing mode, Default printer, Labels, and the toggle Ask before printing which is forced ON until a default printer is set.

Setting location Enabled setting Default printing dialog
image-86 image-87 image-88

Printing modes

The time when the printing dialog (and printing process) is started depends on the Printing mode setting:

  • Manual: printing is never started automatically, can only Print already saved weights.
  • When a weight is saved: printing is started when a weight is successfully saved on the Weight screen.
  • When clearing batched weights: printing is started when the Print button is pressed on the Weight screen, after successfully saving one or more weights.

It is always possible to Print already saved weights

Printing does not affect the saving of weights, i.e. each weight is saved, remembered (& uploaded to RDC, if applicable) regardless of the printing process succeeding or not.

Setting the printing mode to When clearing batched weights enables the same weight saving behavior as Weight Totalization. This settings takes priority over Weight Totalization - it does not matter if it is enabled or not. On the Weight screen, with batched weights printing, the Save button will have a different icon, and a Print button is present instead of the Clear button.

In order to clear the weight batch without starting the printing process, hold-press the Print button, which has the same effect as pressing the Clear button with weight totalization enabled (and no batched weights printing).

Weight totalization without batched printing Batched printing enabled Batch printing using non-Table label
image-89 image-90 image-91

The printing mode When clearing batched weights is intended to be used with Table Labels. Printing will fail if more than one weight is present in the batch and a non-Table label is used.

Printing dialog

When a default printer is not set (default state). The printing dialog will show up with the No printer status shown, as such the Print button is unavailable and printing cannot commence yet.

Clicking on the printer button will show the Printer selection dialog. Once accessed, the app will perform a scan on the local network for compatible Zebra printers. The scan may be retried using the refresh button in the top-right.

This dialog will also show previously scanned printers that are not currently available (not reachable on the current network). These can be cleared from the list by swiping left (right-to-left) on the item.

Printer selection dialog Unavailable printer Clearing an unavailable printer
image-92 image-93 image-94

Once a printer is found and selected, the Print button becomes available. A label may also be chosen, by default (no custom labels created) there is a built-in label printing basic weight information. See below: Labels

Click Print to start printing, the dialog will show the current progress across 2 stages:

  1. connecting to the chosen printer and
  2. printing the chosen label with the saved weight information

The current printer connection status may be viewed in the top-right side of the screen. Any connection errors will also be displayed here.

  • on the Weight screen: this menu will only be available when Print on weight saving is enabled.
  • on the Saved Weights screen: this menu is shown when a printer is connected or has some error. After a successful print, the device will remain connected to the printer. Performing subsequent prints to the same printer will skip the 'connecting to printer' stage and will start printing the label straight away.

Leaving the Weight or Saved weights screens will disconnect the printer if it is connected and reset any errors/messages if present.

Dialog with selected printer Print progress Printer status menu
image-95 image-96 image-97

Make sure your android device is on the same local network (e.g. connected to the same Wi-Fi access point) as the target printer. Refer to your printer's instructions on how to setup its connectivity settings.

The printer dialog interaction is omittable by disabling the Ask before printing setting in the Settings screen, this is possible only once a Default printer has been selected. When disabled: saving a weight will immediately begin printing with the configured default printer and default label (built-in label if not set), similarly clicking print in the Saved Weights screen will also print straight away. During printing or if an error occurs the printing dialog will be shown with the option to cancel/retry printing and selecting a different printer/label on failure.

Default printer

To avoid having to scan for and select a printer on each print operation, you may set a default printer in Settings. Navigate to the Printers screen by clicking the Default printer setting.

In order to set a default printer, the app must first confirm whether it is possible to connect to it:

  1. scan until a printer is found then click on it
  2. wait for the connection to succeed
  3. click Set default to confirm and disconnect the printer
Printers screen Connected Printer Default printer set
image-98 image-99 image-100

Another use-case is printing previously saved weights, this is possible without any configuration. Simply having a license unlocks the Print button in the Saved Weights screen for each individual weight.

When Print is clicked, the printing process is exactly the same as when the Printing mode is set to When a weight is saved and a weight is saved.

Print button for non-RDC weight Print button for RDC weight Print dialog for saved weight
image-116 image-117 image-118


The built-in label is basic and does not include all saved weight information (e.g. custom fields, alibi number, etc.). The app allows importing and customizing Zebra-specific print labels. A label can be marked default so it is chosen instead of the built-in label by default.

Creating a label

To add a label, navigate to Settings, click Labels, and click Add label. Each label must be given a unique name.

Setting location Labels screen Basic creation form
image-101 image-102 image-103
Print on weight saving must be enabled Created labels will be shown here An error will be shown when entering a duplicate name

Afterwards, one (or multiple - for Table labels) valid .zpl file(s) must be imported. Click Import label (.zpl) to open the system file selector and choose an acquired label file.

  • If the chosen file is valid, modifiable fields will show up under Text replacements.
  • If the file is invalid, nothing will change in the form.

Table labels require 3 zpl labels to be imported & filled in - a Header label, an Item label, and a Footer label.

The imported label's text contents may be viewed by clicking View zpl. The Save button will become available once all text replacements have a valid selection.

Valid label imported Available text replacements Label contents view
image-104 image-105 image-106

The app detects all text printout instructions in the label and provides the option to replace each by some value, dynamic or static. Labels usually contain text areas that aren't meant to be replaced (title, descriptions, field labels, etc.): these should be removed from replacement by clicking the trash icon button to the right end of the option.

If you want to re-introduce a deleted replacement, scroll down and click the Add replacement button. This button is only available if at least 1 replacement was removed. A dialog will open with the deleted replacements, click on the desired field to re-introduce it.

In the imported .zpl files values meant to be replaced are usually surrounded by some special character, in this case the tilde (~) symbol is used. Select an appropriate replacement for each field by clicking the drop-down menu icon button to the right of the option and selecting the type. By default all replacements are set to Static value which requires a non-empty string to be set for it to count as a valid replacement.

The available property replacements types are:

Individual/Item label - Weight properties

  • Static value: (default) static replacement string that must be non-empty
  • Net weight: saved weight's recorded net amount
  • Gross weight: saved weight's recorded gross amount
  • Weight number: reported alibi number associated with the saved weight
  • Date: date part depending on the format selected in Settings (default --)
  • Time: time the saved weight was measured at in the format :
  • Custom field: the value of the specified custom field when the weight is saved
  • (Only with Table labels): Weight index: the number of the weight in the collected batch
Set replacement type dialog All needed replacements set Add replacement dialog
image-107 image-108 image-109
  • Static value: (default) same as above
  • Date: same as above, date at which the printing operation is started
  • Time: same as above, time at which the printing operation is started
  • Count: number of weights in the batch
  • Aggregated value:
  • Choosing this type allows to aggregate a specific weight property, allowing for the following 2 selections:
  • Weight property: includes all replacement types for individual/item labels (weight properties, except index)
  • Aggregation: depends on the weight property
    • When the property is scalar (Net/Gross/Tare/Number):
    • Average
    • Minimum
    • Maximum
    • First
    • Last
    • When the property is not scalar (Date/Time/any Custom field)
    • First
    • Last
Table label header example Table label item example Aggregation label replacement
image-110 image-111 image-112

Managing labels

Labels may be modified by clicking on the desired label in the Labels screen. The exact same form as for the Creating a label will be shown.

A label may be made default by clicking the bookmark icon button to the right of its name in the Labels screen. Once default, a badge showing "Default" will be shown instead of the button. This can also be performed from the edit screen.

A label can be deleted from the Labels screen by swiping left (right-to-left) on the desired label, or from the edit screen, with the trash icon button in the top-right. Both options will prompt a confirmation dialog.

Setting a default label Deleting from the Labels screen Deleting from the edit screen
image-113 image-114 image-115

Custom fields and labels

  • Changing names of custom fields will also update labels that reference them to use the correct name
  • When restoring a settings Backup:
  • Imported labels will overwrite current labels if they have the same name, otherwise old labels will remain.
  • Current custom fields will be deleted and the imported ones will take their place.
  • Replacements in old labels that reference fields that were deleted will no longer be able to print a value, unless the new custom fields and the referenced fields have the exact same names.
  • Missing custom fields are reported in the Edit label screen with an error text Unknown field: <field name>
  • Deleting a custom field that a label references will cause the same as above: the corresponding label replacement will no longer print a value, and the error text is shown in the label's edit screen.
  • To solve this either create a custom field with the exact same name the label references or change the replacement type to match an appropriate new/existing custom field.


This page shows a brief description of all primary application settings. The visibility of certain app settings is determined by the presence of a license.

Some settings are gateways to more complex configurations, those usually have guides in Base features and Licensed features sections.

System settings

Setting Description Type Possible values Default Notes
Language App language selection Default, English, Nederlands, Română Default Also compatible with Android 13+ system app language setting
Theme Color theme style of the app selection System theme, Dark theme, Light theme System theme
Material You Set color scheme to be system-dependent toggle On, Off Off Only available for Android 12+ devices
Backups Export/import/restore system settings as backup files / via network. special Any saved backups no backups Related Section
License Set a license code, view/delete current app license special Any license code no license Deleting the license causes some settings to be reset. See related Section
Your device identifier Unique identifier (UUID) specific to the android device read-only text any 64bit number encoded as hex-string device specific UUID Is a combination of a hardware key, app's signing key, and android user ID. May change after a factory reset.

Weighing settings

Setting Description Type Possible values Default Notes
Weight only display Whether Weight screen controls are hidden by default when entering Weight screen toggle On, Off Off see related section
Weight totalization Whether Weight totalization is enabled toggle On, Off Off see related section
Weight decimal separator Character used when displaying a weight to separate the decimals text Any text string . Will only consider the first character as separator, the rest are ignored
Date format Format used to display date in Saved Weights screen selection date-month-year, year-month-date, month-date-year date-month-year Also affects the date format of weights uploaded to RDC and printing label dates, when applicable
Device prefix When scanning for RAVAS BLE devices: filter only devices that start with this value text Any text string RAVAS is case sensitive

QR settings (license required)

Setting Description Type Possible values Default Notes
Barcode weight Whether Weight should be shown as QR by default when entering Weight screen toggle On, Off Off
Barcode type Type of code image to be generated when viewing weight as QR selection CODABAR, CODE_39, CODE_93, CODE_128, QR_CODE, ... QR_CODE

RDC settings (license required)

Setting Description Type Possible values Default Notes
RDC integration Toggles whether the app should use RDC features toggle On, Off Off Causes the other RDC settings to be visible when enabled
RDC User ID Operator name to include in weight when uploading to RDC text Any text string empty string
Weight custom fields Fields included in RDC weight upload, with values filled in the Weight screen special Custom fields no fields See related Section
RDC Server Address Network location of the RDC server where weights are uploaded url Any valid url string emtpy string Do not include the RDC weight path. When uploading weights, the path /rest/scale/weight is appended to the set url
Setting Description Type Possible values Default Notes
Printer integration Toggles whether the app should use Zebra Printing features toggle On, Off Off Causes the other Print settings to be visible when enabled
Printing mode Enable starting print process when saving weights selection Manual, When a weight is saved, When clearing batched weights Manual Changes when the app attempts to start the printing operation. See related Section
Default printer Choose default printer in the print process special Any network printer Uri no printer set The setting Ask before printer is modifiable only when a printer is set. See related section
Labels Manage custom (.zpl) labels and set default label special Custom labels no labels A (hidden) basic built-in label is always present. See related Section
Ask before printing Whether a confirmation dialog should be shown before printing commences on weight save toggle On, Off On If no default printer is set this setting will be forced On

Manager settings

Setting Description Type Possible values Default Notes
Manager PIN code PIN required for accessing manager mode numeric text Any string composed of only digits empty Can only be set while in manager mode. See related section

Settings screen

System section Weighing & QR section RDC & Printing section
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